Saturday, March 03, 2001

mmm the latest version of MAME supports Dungeons and Dragons, one of my favorite arcade games of old.
I've added more books, curse me for a fool. my booklist grows and grows, and shows no signs that it might slow.
  • Barrel Fever: David Sedaris -- Disturbing stories and essays. The best to date: Out of work, he has to accept a job as a SantaLand Elf at Macy's. He is gay, bitter, and possessed of a cruel, barbed tongue. he makes a good elf.

On that note, there are a good number of games I'm trying to finish (or play more of), too:

  • Final Fantasy: Wonderswan Color

  • Phantasy Star Online: Dreamcast

  • Paper Mario: Nintendo 64

  • Shenmue: Dreamcast

  • Skies of Arcadia: Dreamcast

  • Grandia 2: Dreamcast

So many games. So little time. Especially if I want to fit my other hobbies in (and there are rather a lot of them, and they are all time consuming: reading, painting miniatures, learning japanese, studying language ['cause i'm a geek], role-playing games [although I'm between games and gamers right now], oh, the list does go on).
I'd forgotten how much I loved the Lileks institute... Disturbing pop-art trash of the 20s through the 50s.

Go check it out, and fear your American heritage.

Friday, March 02, 2001

Hm. Only one day and I've already run out of things to talk about. You can probably smell the desperation now. Here, I know... I'll write out my current booklist:

  • The Hobbit: J. R. R. Tolkien

  • Out Of the East: Lafcadio Hearn

  • Lapsing Into a Comma: Bill Walsh

  • Soul Wind: The Kid From Planet Earth, Vol. 1: Scott Morse (Graphic Novel)

There's more (there always is), but those are all the books I actually have in my bag right now.
I think I'm ready to stop working. I understand there's even a how-to book on the subject. All the more reason to learn Japanese.
James tells me this whole "angst" thing is working out all right.

...I didn't even know I had an angst thing.
(do these pants make my angst look fat?)

Thursday, March 01, 2001

A brief observation on my evenings.
I've noticed that, when I get home from work, I am struck by two things: the urge to relax, and a terrible sense of urgency that I do so. It's a little frustrating, actually, because I know that I have to be up rather early (6.30... ugh), and in order to feel rested, I usually crawl into bed early, read for a while, then crash out between 11 and 12. I've only got a good 4 hours to get in eating, socializing, computing, gaming, miniature painting, conversation, bills, planning, and so on. I actually feel rushed to relax. It's wreaking havoc with my already-tattered attention span.

I need a new title. Hey, James... you're the only person reading this. what's a better name for this page?
Poop. I just wrote a huge ramble about my constant sense of ennui and my realization that I pass my every work day in a strange fog of half-consciousness, and what do I get for my effort? HTTP 500 - Internal server error. And THEN, I write out basically this kind of message, and I hit post, and the same thing happens. Megastinky time. I am filled with hate. Hate and scorn. Hate, scorn, and loathing.


Oh, and go look at James's web page. He's good at this stuff. A devout web logger. here. I used to be okay when I was making an effort at designing web pages, but I was never that good. James is good.
Hi. I just started an account so I could see what this all looks like. Most likely, I know you, or you're just some random web browser wasting valuable work time. After all, if you weren't at work, you'd be doing something more interesting than slumming around here.