Anyone reading this thing probably knows me and knows what to expect from me. I'm pretty comfortable with that. This whole thing only gives me an opportunity to rant and maybe to spout invective and roil and bubble and foam at the mouth. I've been wallowing in an evil work-thing lately, so I haven't bothered with a substantial writing lately. Hell, I'm not sure I ever have. All I know is that two shots of Maker's Mark doesn't do doodly-poop for me, except maybe give me a touch of the ol' headache.
reading: Radio Free Albemuth, by Phillip K. Dick. The man's a genius. This is basically the same book as VALIS, if VALIS were a sculpture and you were to move to a different angle and then try explaining the whole thing all over again. It's frightening, how true some of his fictions ring right now. He mentions a citizen's spy service established by the government, and then I go and read about TIPS, the citizen information system proposed by our own, real government.
drinking: Didn't you hear me? Maker's Mark!
listening: Front By Front, by Front 242. Genius, again. Mechanically precise, oppressively mechanical, and danceably oppressive.