Wednesday, November 13, 2002

The Pain, The Pain!

My back still hurts, but I went to the doctor, and he tells me it's not my kidneys, which I was afraid of, to be honest. It's roughly the right area, but the doc says it ain't kidneys, it's just pain. He said take some ibuprofen, have a hot bath, get some rest. I say fine. My blood pressure's all cool, too. So...
current mood:

Monday, November 11, 2002

Flavor Graveyard

It's not much of an update, but it's something at least. I've been a little preoccupied lately. I've been working, although not as hard as I ought to be, and I've been tidying up -- my office at home is getting new shelves (cheapo Target particle-board things). I've been playing with the cats and suffering strange physical ailments -- back pains, mostly, but I don't know from whence they stem. Uh. That's not very interesting for you, the imagined reader.

current mood:

see? he's smiling! isn't that darling!?