Been reading weblogs lately -- it's the most interesting thing the web's provided me for a while. It's nice, in a grassroots sorta way, to see so many people generating so much content, whether it's profound or not, about their lives. Turns us all into narrators, protagonists, subjects, and objects, too, I suppose.
I seem to log primarily when I'm feeling down. It leaves me with big gaps and equally big surges of updates. I'm going to break that habit now. I've been told that it's a good idea to break a habit every now and then, no matter how small that habit might be. Brush your teeth before taking out your contacts? All right, reverse it. Take the same route to work? Do the same things every night? Sleep the same hours? Break a small habit, be more aware of what you've done to automate your life, to move through it unthinkingly. If nothing else, you'll see how much you've let pattern dictate your life. Break a habit today.